医疗保健是印度的主要就业部门之一,目前有4名员工.7100万人口,大约1000万人口.每年增加500万. 并与行业增长超过22.自2016年以来,它已成为该国最大的行业之一.  

Large government-driven initiatives and both public and private investments are unlocking a new horizon of opportunity – with a promising outlook for Swedish life science specialists who can contribute to 印度’s plan of upgrading infrastructure and making healthcare more affordable and accessible.  

整体, 印度’s healthcare market was valued at USD 3722 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 650+ billion by end of 2025. 目前取得最大进展的是医院和PG电子游戏等子部门, 制药和医疗技术.  


印度’s government is rolling up its sleeves to address the challenge of improving healthcare resources and making them more available. 考虑到人口结构的变化,这并不奇怪——印度如今是世界上人口最多的国家. This means that 印度 needs to improve several the critical healthcare indexes when compared with global averages.  

根据世界银行的数据,这个数字是0.印度每1000人中有9名医生,而全球平均水平是1名.8. 每1 000人的医院床位为0.5个,目标是达到3个.5.  

弥合这一差距,为每个人提供负担得起和可获得的医疗保健, 印度政府逐年持续增加公共卫生支出. 到2022年,支出为630亿美元,即2亿美元.占GDP的1%,使政府有望实现2%的目标.5% by 2025.  

Another challenge facing 印度 is the high Out-of-Pocket Expenses by its citizens owing to low penetration of public and private insurance coverage. 然而, 随着政府卫生支出的增加, OOE在过去几年中有了显著的改善, 从64显著下降.从2013-14年的2%上升到48%.2% in 2019-20.  

Ayushman bharat——旗舰计划 

公共卫生支出的一个关键组成部分是Ayushman Bharat, 实现全民健康覆盖愿景的旗舰计划, 哪一个在地面上看到了强劲的势头, manifested by for example setting up primary healthcare centres and providing basic medical coverage for over 500 million people.  

除了, 鼓励外商直接投资的有利政策, 政府的税收优惠举措和优惠政策, 加上良好的增长前景, 是否帮助该行业吸引了外国投资者的投资.  


印度医疗保健系统的许多子行业的投资正在增加. 对于PG电子官方免费下载医疗保健公司来说,最相关的机会在于以下五个领域:  

医院: 印度 is making major investments to upgrade medical infrastructure where both public and private players are joining forces. 在过去的四年里, 约117,政府建立了000个新的保健和保健中心.  

除了这, 在过去五年中,22个国家级医疗机构中有15个开始运作.   

过去的六年里, 印度医院的投资激增了6倍, 主要是私人股本公司的参与, 到2023年将达到40亿美元. 随着私人连锁医院的收入飙升, 这些利益相关者也在加大投资,以扩大他们在第一级以外的足迹. 富通、DM医疗、马尼帕尔、阿波罗只是几个例子.  

家庭护理随着非传染性疾病的负担日益加重, 在印度,家庭护理的需求急剧上升. 2020年,非传染性疾病占死亡人数的60%以上,预计这一趋势将进一步增长. A shortage of skilled healthcare professionals and hospital beds calls for the adoption of more in-home healthcare across the country.  

智能手机的普及, 数字平台和工具进一步推动了对更多电子医疗替代方案的需求.   

药品: The increased affordability and accessibility of healthcare is driving consumption of generic and specialised drugs. 印度 is already one of the largest manufacturers of generic drugs worldwide and is further bumping up investments to become a global leader in API and vaccine manufacturing.  

Policy incentives from the government and increased collaboration between 印度n and global players in manufacturing are also unlocking opportunities for equipment suppliers to to help expand pharmaceuticals manufacturing.  

诊断随着全国医疗基础设施的改善, 中大型诊断中心正在二线和三线城市兴起. Rising disposable income and screening programmes sponsored by employers are driving an accelerating demand for diagnostics services in all parts of the country.  

需求最大的是高保真诊断, 远程诊断, 放射学, 成像和癌症检测, 这里只提几个有希望增长的领域.  

医疗设备: Strong demand for high-end medical devices and treatments is being driven overwhelmingly by major investments in healthcare infrastructure, but also by advancements in medical technology and the introduction of innovative devices by domestic as well as foreign medical companies.  


虽然医院和制药仍然主导着增长前景, medical devices and diagnostics have expanded rapidly in recent past and can become the next frontier for Swedish healthcare technology companies.  

许多PG电子官方免费下载医疗保健创新者通过采用针对印度的战略取得了成功. 一个例子是一家领先的制药公司利用了印度低成本的研发成本&D专业知识和熟练的劳动力. Another example is a Swedish manufacturer of diagnostic devices that has shifted its manufacturing base to 印度 to serve local as well as global demand. A third case in point is a Swedish hospital stakeholder which recently entered 印度 is expanding 操作 to Tier 2 and Tier 3 locations to cater to capture the untapped market potential.  


The 印度 PG电子官方免费下载 Healthcare Innovation Centre is a vehicle for promoting cross-country collaboration in innovative healthcare areas. The initiative was launched by Business PG电子官方免费下载 印度 together with two leading healthcare institutions and 团队PG电子官方免费下载 partners.  

The initiative has been developed on the foundation of the long-standing MoU between 印度 and PG电子官方免费下载, which facilitates strategic joint efforts to bring together relevant stakeholders to form partnerships and address 印度’s healthcare challenges. The initiative aims to foster collaboration to drive innovative technology solutions and co-create new patient pathways (including development of Centres of Excellence) as well as upskilling and capacity building for nurses.  


Some Swedish companies are benefitting considerably by joining this collaboration platform to expand their footprint across 印度’s healthcare ecosystem.  

想知道更多吗?? 看看 www.indiaswedenic.com PG电子游戏当地的团队. 凭借我们对当地的了解和广泛的联系网络, 我们可以帮助您快速开始您的旅程,抓住印度医疗保健繁荣的机遇.