摩洛哥 is on a transformative journey towards universal healthcare coverage, 得到综合保健改革方案的支持. This national endeavour aims to provide all Moroccan citizens with access to quality healthcare, a move that aligns with the country's commitment to social welfare and development. 

来支持这一宏伟目标, the Moroccan government has introduced a health reform programme based on four key pillars: 

  • 有效的治理: Strengthening the management and regulatory framework of the healthcare system 
  • 人力资源开发: 提高医疗保健专业人员的质量和可用性 
  • 改善医疗保健基础设施: 升级设施和扩大医疗保健PG电子游戏 
  • 取样频率: 整合技术以改善医疗保健PG电子游戏和管理 

在这些, 第三个支柱, 改善医疗基础设施, 特别重要.  


This pillar encompasses a series of critical projects and substantial investments aimed at revvamping and expanding 摩洛哥's healthcare facilities. This includes the construction of new hospitals and the modernisation of existing ones, all with the goal of  increasing access and improving the quality of healthcare services across the country. The current total investment for these projects is approximately SEK 20 billion, and notable projects under this initiative include the state-of-the-art Ibn Sina University Hospital in Rabat and several other regional hospitals, 每一个都旨在满足人口日益增长的医疗保健需求. 

这些项目是更广泛投资战略的一部分, with the Moroccan government allocating substantial resources to the healthcare sector to meet their strategic ambitions. In 2024 alone, SEK 30 billion has been earmarked for healthcare and social protection. This financial commitment is a clear indication of the priority being placed on health sector reform and the generalisation of social coverage. 


除了基础设施的改善, the pillars of digitalisation and human resource development also present significant opportunities for Swedish companies. The expected long-term changes and overall transition within healthcare in 摩洛哥 present a unique opportunity for Swedish companies specialising in healthcare infrastructure, 医疗技术,, 以及数字健康解决方案. 有很大的合作空间, 创新, 投资于一个正在迅速扩张和现代化的市场. 

Companies interested in exploring these opportunities are encouraged to engage with the Business PG电子官方免费下载 team in 摩洛哥 to understand the specific needs and contribute to the significant healthcare transformation.